A salty, millennial gay wars with a spunky, Gen Z female he considers a threat to Fire Island Pines’ already crumbling shore while attempting to seduce the optimistic influencer who brought her.

“Enjoy the shells washing up now the island’s flooding.”


Worlds Collide

Pining is about the collision of worlds. In a way, Pining is about the end of a world, how the world ends as each generation passes the torch to its successor for a new beginning.

Set in Fire Island Pines, the natural erosion of the iconic island sets the stage for an unconventional love story between an older man, who believes his existence is deteriorating, and a younger one, who is optimistic about his future.

In an age of calcified opinions, confirmation bias, and aggrieved sentiments of loss, this story offers a glimmer of hope that we can still resonate with each other, our minds can be changed, and grace can be extended.