Jonny Beauchamp is ANDREW

Andrew has entered gay middle age. Just 35, his expectations of the future are crumbling beneath the realities of life.

Andrew is resentful and demoralized but remains pragmatic and grateful for his sexuality, which offers him community and consistency amid life’s chaos.

Hopelessly caught up in disposable, gay hookup culture, Andrew relies on flash-in-the-pan rendezvous to compensate for his lack of a steady partner.

While Andrew is open, even eager for something deeper, Fire Island offers only flings, so Andrew sticks to his wayward habits, hoping love will someday fall into his lap.

Spencer Claus is KIT

Kit is an optimist, a big-picture guy, and a low-key romantic. Kit craves passion; he has little interest in the erratic, leering playboys that drool over him at nightclubs and flood his DMs with lurid photos on gay hookup apps.

Kit looks before he leaps. Why risk the mess of lust, alcohol, and social blunders? He is calculated, not chaotic. Kit loves social media because it lets him draft and revise his thoughts before sharing.

Andrew might sneer that Kit is an armchair activist, but Kit knows that to wield influence, you must have a platform. Kit chooses to leave his mark on the world by documenting his beauty and values.

By earnestly sharing himself with the world, Kit believes he is opening the door for love and is willing to wait for something significant.

Christopher F. Costa is JOEL

Joel is genial, composed, and has a generally more go-with-the-flow attitude than his friend, Andrew. All Joel wants this weekend is to pull off a successful birthday party and he refuses to let Andrew’s grumbling get in the way of a good time. Joel embraces the values of inclusion and fluidity from the younger generation and values community as an idea, rather than a physical space. As Andrew becomes increasingly vocal about his resentment, however, Joel’s patience begins wearing thin, forming a rift in their friendship.

Janine Hartmann is SOPHIE

Gracious and self-assured, Sophie represents everything Andrew resents in Generation Z: youth, bi-polyamory, body-positivity. Andrew views Sophie as an obstacle to be cleared to get to Kit, but, over the course of the weekend, his interactions with Sophie begin to challenge his world view and sense of self-worth. Increasingly enervated and bitter, Andrew retreats further into himself and begins lashing out to protect his ego.